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Sunday 21 March 2010

52 Ways To Show People That You Do Care

1. Notice them.
2. Smile at them.
3. Encourage them to think big.
4. Look them in the eye when you talk to them.
5. Ask them about themselves.
6. Let them tell you how they feel.
7. Listen to their stories.
8. Call them on the phone just to say hi.
9. Answer their questions.
10. Ask them their opinions.
11. Give them your undivided attention.
12. Believe what they say.
13. Tell them what you like about them.
14. Delight in their discoveries.
15. Listen to their favorite music with them.
16. Tolerate their interruptions.
17. Suggest better behaviors when they act up or act out.
18. Show up at their games, concerts, and special events.
19. Tell them how much you like being with them.
20. Tell them about yourself.
21. Help them take a stand, then stand with them.
22. Ask them to help you with something.
23. Keep the promises you make to them.
24. Tell them how proud you are of them.
25. Send them a letter, postcard, or e-mail.
26. Introduce them to your friends and family.
27. Make time to be with them.
28. Be excited when you see them.
29. Notice when they grow.
30. Remember their birthdays.
31. Believe in them.
32. Meet their friends and family.
33. Include them in conversations.
34. Laugh at their jokes.
35. Do things together.
36. Respect them.
37. Find a common interest.
38. Do what they like to do.
39. Applaud their success.
40. Contribute to their collections.
41. Read aloud together.
42. Accept them as they are.
43. Share a meal together.
44. Go places together.
45. Build something together.
46. Make decisions together.
47. Help them learn something new.
48. Be honest with them.
49. Encourage them to help others.
50. Let them make mistakes.
51. Admit when you make a mistake.
52. Be nice to them.

Monday 15 March 2010


Everybody (1) _______ looking for that something. One (2) ________ that makes it all complete You find it in the (3) _________ places. Places you never (4) ________ it could be.

Some find it in the face of (5) ________ children. Some (6) __________ it in their lover's eyes. Who can deny the (7) _______ it brings. When you (8) _________ found that special thing. You (9) __________ flying without wings.

Some find it (10) ___________ every morning. Some in their (11) __________ lives. You (12) __________ find it in the words of others. A simple line can make you (13) ___________ or cry.

You'll find it in (14) ___________ deepest friendship The (15) __________ you cherish all your life. And when you know how much that (16) ___________. You've found that special (17) __________. You're flying without (18) __________.

So, (19) ___________ as it may seem. You've got to fight for (20) __________ dream cos who (21) __________ to know which one you let go, would have (22) __________ you complete.

(23) ___________, for me it's waking up beside you, to watch the (24) _________ on your face, to know that I can (25) ___________ I love you, at any given time (26) ___________ place. It's little things that (27) __________ I know. (28) ______________ are the things that make you mine and it's like flying (29) __________ wings cos you're (30) ___________ special thing. I (31) _________ flying without wings.

And you're the place my life (32) ____________ and you'll (33) __________ where it ends. I'm (34) __________ without wings and that (35) __________ the joy you bring. (36) ____________'m flying without wings.

Thursday 11 March 2010

The Importance of Having a Goal and Living it

When I was a child, I was always asked by my parents, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” As I was then fascinated by cops I said “I want to be a policeman!” Then as my interest shifted to planets, moons, and space, my answer to that question became “I want to be an astronomer!” After a while, I wanted to become a scientist.

That same question was also asked by my parents to my other siblings. They answered all sorts of professions from being a bum to the President. All my friends have also been asked that question at least once in their life. I’m sure you have been, even if you don’t remember it.

I still recall that I always acted like I was already a policeman, or an astronomer, or a scientist. That was also the case with my brothers and sisters. My sister was always forcing us to act out her dream where she would make us sit and eat biscuits and pretend she was a mother and we were her children.

My point is, when we were children, we tried to live our dreams. We had a goal (a scientist, a police officer, or whatever), and we tried to reach our goal by acting that we were already there. As we naively believed that by acting it out, we would eventually be it.

However, that same thinking or philosophy is what we’re still doing now. It’s really surprising how many people have become older but still do the same technique to reach their dreams. We expect that our dreams and our goals would come true just as easily.

What’s even scarier is that some of us don’t even have goals. We just live our lives with no direction. I can’t stress enough how important having a goal in life is. A goal, even a small one gives us direction. It is the first step on who we will eventually be. It helps us predict the risks that we would eventually face. It helps us know what our eventual needs would be.
Having just a dream and setting a goal are two different things. Dreams are always vague. You dream of getting rich, having a nice house, or being the sexiest person. Goals however are always clear. It’s not just what you want to be or where you want to be but it is also about when you want to be there and how you want to be there.

You are always allowed to dream but you may never realize them without a goal. Without a goal people just live their lives without direction. They shift from one college course to another. They shift from one profession to another. They do not realize that a goal would actually take them to their dreams.

When setting a goal, always remember to make it specific. For example if your dream is to be rich, what should your goal be? Specify how rich you want to become. 100,000 dollar rich, or 200,000 peso rich? Or do you want it not to be measured by money but on how many assets you have, like 20 cars rich or 10 houses rich? Make a clear definition.

In defining a goal it is also important that you set the time on when you want to accomplish it. Next year? When your 30 yrs old? When do you want the goal to be realized?


How do you plan to reach your goal? Plan your moves in achieving that goal. Having a detailed goal means that you must also have a detailed plan. Your plan should always be more detailed than your goal. Your plan should also have a specific timetable.

Let’s say your goal is to be 10 houses rich in 10 years and you’re still in college. How do you plan to do that? Your plan may be finishing college first. Part of finishing college is getting high grades and graduating at the least possible time. After that, you plan to go to real estate as a regular employee or an agent. And so on and so forth.

You may find yourself stuck and unable to know what you need to do next when you’re planning. Don’t be disappointed or frustrated. Defer your planning for now. You’ll figure it out as you execute some of your plans.


Now that you have a goal and now that you have a plan, then all you have to do is execute it.
Try to live your life and make your plan your guide towards your goal. As you do that, you’d notice that some of your plans are not the best courses of action. Change them if necessary so that your plan would be more primed to reaching your goal.

Remember, your goals are a reflection of your dreams. If you think you won’t be happy once you reach your goal, then you aren’t fulfilling your dreams.

Your goals should make you happy, and the process of reaching them should also be a great journey as well – even if there are sacrifices.

Enjoy reaching out for your dreams.

The Importance of Believing in Your Own Purpose and Beliefs

by Dwayne Gilbert

There are many people out there who avoid success simply because those around them might criticise them for what they are doing, even if they are doing what they love. Many times, well meaning people that love us can do the most harm to us and our happiness. These people don't mean to do what they do, I'm sure, but often times their words about what we want can cause us to rethink what we are doing. We must remember that success comes only after we follow our hearts and chase our dreams.

No man became successful without first having critics and second ignoring those critics, regardless of who they were. Many successful people had family and friends disown them simply because they chased their dreams. Sometimes the cost of happiness is the loss of things we hold dear. The real question is whether you are willing to be right for your life and your happiness, or right for other people. The point is that when you are right, not even an army can make you wrong no matter how much they do. Nelson Mandela was right about what he believed in, and spent twenty years in prison because of it. But that didn't make him change his stance. He knew he was right and was willing to pay the price for it. When you are wrong, not even an army can make you right. There is a belief in the world that the stronger person is right, and often times people will fight with words or actions to prove they are right. The point is that niether of those, even if you win, makes you right. You may win an argument, but that doesn't make you right. It just makes you the winner of the argument. You must be able to know you are right, and not have to prove it by anything other than your actions and the things you create. You must also be willing to be wrong and admit it and be ok with that as well. Most imporantly, you must be willing to stick to what you know is right, for you, for your family, for your life and always move in that direction. To stand firm to what you believe. To chase your dreams because they bring you happiness and peace, no matter how big the force that tells you you are wrong is. To always follow your heart.